# 类组件的注意事项

Vue类组件通过实例化底层的原始构造函数,将类属性收集为Vue实例数据。 尽管我们可以像本地类方式那样定义实例数据,但有时我们需要知道其工作方式。

# this value in property initializer

如果你定义箭头函数作为类属性并在其中访问 this,它将无法正常工作。 这是因为this只是初始化类属性时Vue实例的代理对象:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Component from 'vue-class-component'

export default class MyComp extends Vue {
  foo = 123

  // DO NOT do this
  bar = () => {
    // Does not update the expected property.
    // `this` value is not a Vue instance in fact.
    this.foo = 456


import Vue from 'vue'
import Component from 'vue-class-component'

export default class MyComp extends Vue {
  foo = 123

  // DO this
  bar() {
    // Correctly update the expected property.
    this.foo = 456

# Always use lifecycle hooks instead of constructor


import Vue from 'vue'
import Component from 'vue-class-component'

export default class Posts extends Vue {
  posts = []

  // DO NOT do this
  constructor() {
      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(posts => {
        this.posts = posts


推荐编写像 created 之类的生命周期函数代替 constructor

import Vue from 'vue'
import Component from 'vue-class-component'

export default class Posts extends Vue {
  posts = []

  // DO this
  created() {
      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(posts => {
        this.posts = posts